The Hyde Complex

Contextual Elements
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2008) - Paolo Barzman


The plot of the film lacks the subtlety and complexity of the novel. This is mainly due to the loss of the 'element of surprise' within the plot that was evident in the original. The story of Jekyll and Hyde has been part of popular culture for over 100 years, thus finding out that Jekyll and Hyde are one of the same no longer has the same impact. Therefore this plot line mainly focuses on Jekyll trying to reconcile with himself about the actions of Hyde and coming to the decision that he simply can't, thus seeks swift punishments for Hyde's actions.


Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, In this adaptation, once Jekyll discovers his dark side, he seeks only to destroy it even if it means his death. This addition to the plot makes him more moral than his predecessor. Hyde is not just immoral in this film, but evil. This heightening of each of the opposite sides of this split personality leads to increased internal conflict.
Claire Wheaton, Jekyll's attorney who attempts to sway him to pleading insanity and the love interest of the story. Claire's attraction to lost causes leads to considerable loyalty towards Jekyll and provocation for Hyde.


Paolo retains some of the creepy aspects of Stevenson's book, but focuses more on a malevolent style then the original. Paolo also mainly employs a first person viewpoint that is centered on Jekyll/Hyde instead of a detective character. The film is much darker and sinister than the movie and this is shown through camera angles, lighting and colouring.


Themes of scientific breakthrough are apparent in this text. Dr Jekyll creates his monstrous concoction from a rare Amazonian flower that allows him to split his soul, with the bi-product of Mr Edward Hyde. This bi-product symbolises the issues that come with some many scientific breakthrough and allow the responder to question whether the ends truly justify the means.
The theme of fault is explored in this text. Dr Jekyll is an unwitting accomplice to the actions of Mr Hyde, but it is he who seeks punishment for Hyde's actions. The responder explores whether or not Jekyll should accept responsibility due to his fault in the creation of Mr Hyde - or if the fault is solely Hyde's as it was Hyde's actions. 


This film is set mainly in present day Boston, America. The movie switches between the safe suburbs that surrounds Jekyll's house and the perverse city that borders them. The city and the suburbs both act as safe havens, the city easily allows for Hyde's despicable behaviour and the suburbs provide a temporary escape for Dr Jekyll from the deeds of Mr Hyde. When the two world collide through the arrest of Dr Jekyll,  Jekyll retreats once again to an insane asylum.